Baliapal: Subarnarekha Port Private Limited (SPPL) has sent the second batch of trainees consisting of 17 students from J N Tata Vocational Training Institute (JNTVTI), Baliapal for on-the-job training at Jamshedpur.
All the 17 trainees are local students from the Site Safety Supervisor Course being run at JNTVTI, Baliapal. These trainees have completed their classroom training and have will now be attending on-the-job training at Jamshedpur. It must be noted that 16 candidates from the previous batch have completed their training and have already been successfully placed in jobs at various organisations.
It has been SPPL’s constant endeavour to focus on skill development of local youth for increasing their employment opportunities. It is with this thought that a centre of JNTVTI has been opened at Baliapal, with a focus on skill development of the local population in and around SPPL’s project area.
Subarnarekha Port Private Limited is committed to the overall development of the community, and is thus implementing programmes & interventions for various segments of the community.