Bhubaneswar – The corona virus, or COVID-19, is now a worldwide threat. If anyone’s immune system is weak or older people more affected by this. This is especially dangerous for people with heart disease, diabetes or asthma .
So don’t go to crowded place. It is recommended that you wash your hands frequently, cover your face when coughing and do not touch your face, mouth, mouth, eyes and nose. It is also advised not to spit outside.
Baba Ramdev, however, advises yoga and pranayama along with exercise to boost the body’s immune system.
Vastika, Kapalavati and Anulom vilom Pranayam will improve the quality of the lungs and boost the immune system.
He recommends a minimum of 5 minutes a day for each pranayam
He also asked for boiled gulucha tinospra or giloy, basil, turmeric and black pepper in water , and take its soup. Take a good look at giloy and see the photo below. Otherwise, Patanjali’s Tulsi and Giloy juice are available. You can also use Tulsi Panchang Juice and Giloy Juice.
Greetings without shaking hands. Eating vegetables is good .Garlic has a strong immune power. It is also good to eat one or two cloves of garlic a day.
It is better to drink plenty of water.
Be sure to consult a doctor if you have a cough or fever with a cold and sore throat.