BHUBANESWAR- Government of Odisha vide Notification No 2232/R&DM(DM) dated 19th April, 2020 had directed that persons returning from outside Odisha shall have to undergo compulsory quarantine for 14 days observing the guidelines issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department.
It has been found that in many cases persons under quarantine are testing COVID-19 positive after the quarantine period of 14 days. Therefore, it is felt necessary to extend the period of quarantine against COVID-19. Keeping in view the above situation and guidelines laid down by Government of India, in consultation with Health Experts and considering various reports about COVID-19 incubation period, the State Government made the modifications as follows.
The quarantine period for all the people returning to Odisha will be 28 days at Temporary Medical Camps (TMC). However, depending on satisfactory conduct during the institutional quarantine and health after 21 days of mandatory institutional quarantine, the quarantinee may be allowed Home Quarantine for remaining 7 days. During Home Quarantine concerned person shall strictly observe prescribed guideline and in case of any violation, stringent penal action will be taken. Gram Panchayat Nodal Officer (GPNO)/Ward Nodal Officer (WNO) will verify and ensure that the people in home quarantine follow the prescribed protocols without any violation.
Temporary Medical Camps (TMC) in charge may involve the quarantinees in food preparation, campus cleanliness, sanitation of the facility, development of the campus and its facilities like repair works of the TMC, leveling/development of nearby playground as well as plantation within and near the TMC campus. In case the quarantinees contribute voluntary service for such activities, incentives of Rs 150/- per day for up to 10 days (total Rs.1500/-) as honourarium will be paid from CMRF.
Temporary Medical Camps (TMC) in-charge will engage the quarantinees in maintaining good physical and mental health by organizing yoga, cultural activities, book reading and storytelling, drawing and painting competitions and other such activities with the support of local NGOs, CSOs, teachers, Anganwadi Workers, Health Workers and volunteers registered under COVID Sangrami Portal. Further, the GPNO/WNO will issue certificate for good behaviour, discipline and voluntary contribution for select quarantinees on basis of their behaviour, conduct and participation in voluntary works during the quarantine period.