Bhubaneswar: Thieves are rampant in the capital. Don’t feel a guard at the summer lame. Weak patrols, taking advantage of the absence of police, thieves are roaming in the city. In the last two days, about 20 thefts and scandals from various police stations in the capital have been reported. Of these, a maximum of three thefts were reported from the Capital police station area, while two thefts and one robbery were reported from the Bharatpur police station area.
According to reports, thefts have been reported in the capital during the shutdown on the 26th and 27th. Kalyani Mishra, a female doctor living in government quarters in the Capital police station area alleged that thieves broke into the house and took valuables. Police are investigating. But the thieves has not been caught yet. Similarly, two persons, Gautam Raut and Prashant Kumar Sahu, were also found to have been robbed.
There have also been multiple robberies and thefts in the Bharatpur area. Similarly, in Chandka, Khandagiri, Kharbelnagar, Srilingaraja, Mancheswar, Sahidnagar areas, miscreants have stolen and played terror. On the other hand, in some cases of Khandagiri, Bharatpur, Chandrasekharpur police stations, the accused has been arrested by the police.