Southern Odisha
~Upgraded distribution infrastructure, introduced new technologies and enhanced
customer experience~
~Powered a populace of 95 lakhs with a registered consumer base of 23.69 lakh
~Overcame challenges posed by pandemic and three cyclones~
~Provided Safety Training to employees and business associate staff for more than 1 Lakh
~Conferred with the ‘State Level Electrical Safety Award 2021’~
Brahmapur, January 04, 2022: TP Southern Odisha Distribution Ltd (TPSODL), the joint
venture between Tata Power and Odisha Government for power distribution in Southern
Odisha, today celebrated the completion of the first year of its successful operations. Since its
formation, TPSODL, in which Tata Power holds a 51% stake, has continuously invested in
improving the power distribution infrastructure of southern Odisha and ensured reliable power
supply to its customers.
TPSODL currently serves a populace of 95 lakhs with a registered customer base of 23.69
lakhs in a vast distribution area covering 48,751 sq. km.
In the last one year, TPSODL has undertaken several initiatives for strengthening the
distribution infrastructure, adopting new technologies, and digitalizing its services to enhance
customer experience.
Augmented electricity network
The company has added 148.6 MVA capacity in Power Transformer as well as 87 MVA capacity
in the Distribution Transformer. It carried out various activities to improve Power Supply
Reliability through the deployment of AMC for Maintenance of High Tension (HT) and Low
Tension (LT) networks.
Spearheaded Technological Advancements
TPSODL undertook various technological innovations to strengthen its network. Added 15 New
Primary Sub-Stations (PSS) to its network along with 318 CKM of High Tension (HT) lines. It
carried out 11089 CKM of tree branch pruning along the lines. Carried out thermo-scanning of
overhead power lines and PSS. It added over 1000 connections for earthing system
improvement and replaced/repaired 500 nos. of 33kV and 11kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers
(VCBs). Also, replaced Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) with Low Tension Distribution Box
(LTDB) installation along with Battery and charger replacement for DC system improvement.
Carried out relay setting audits at 100 Primary Sub-Stations.
Besides this, the TPSODL team also introduced technological innovations with cutting edge
technologies like Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) for efficient and productive distribution network management.
Mr. Sanjay Banga, President – T&D, Tata Power, said, “The past one year was replete with
challenges and yet our employees at TPSODL remained committed to our goal of reliable and
quality power supply to consumers. The TPSODL team drove some remarkable initiatives to
create a better network, train employees, ensure best safety practices, and leverage technology
to enhance customer experience. We are grateful to The Government of Odisha for its
continued support in this endeavor. We shall continue to stay committed to providing reliable,
affordable, and quality power supply along with superior customer service in Odisha.”
Made Customer Centricity its Core
To enhance customer experience, TPSODL has enabled digital transformation along with a
gamut of solutions like setting up a 24×7 Toll-free Call Centre (1912 and 18003456797) where a
consumer can lodge their concerns. State of the art Customer Relation Center commissioned
wherein a consumer can walk in and get resolution of concern and query.
For new connections, a missed call number facility has been provided. A consumer can call at
70088 08888 following which the customer care executive will call back and provide all
assistance. The company migrated to a new customer relationship management system so that
all metering, billing & payment-related activities are monitored on a real-time basis. This system
is enabling TPSODL in handling customers’ expectations. Various channels are enabled so that
consumer can pay their energy bills through digital mode. The company expects that all
consumers should pay their energy bills through digital mode so that consumers can avail 2%
rebate and various other promotional offers from the payment gateway agencies. Large-scale
meter replacement activities are going on so that billing-related issues are reduced.
To promote Demand Side Management, the company has signed MoU with Energy Efficiency
Services Limited (EESL). Under this MoU, energy-efficient equipment shall be promoted so that
consumers can save electricity for saving the environment.
Mr. Arvind Singh, Chief Executive Officer, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited,
added: “It’s been a year of connecting with consumers, understanding their problems,
innovating, overcoming challenges, upgrading, and constant learning for all of us at TPSODL.
We have put in our best efforts to drive initiatives and innovations for enhanced consumer
satisfaction. We shall continue to leverage technology as we move forward to create a robust
and highly reliable network in TPSODL. We are confident that we will drive transformation
through our dedication, teamwork and strong bond with our consumers”.
Focused on Employee Capacity Building and Advancement of Safety culture
TPSODL also has a robust 'Business Continuity & Disaster Management Plan (BCDMP) for
dealing with any natural/man-made calamities. TPSODL undertook various employee-centric as
well as social initiatives and to promote safety culture, which helped the DISCOM bag the
prestigious ‘State Level Electrical Safety Award 2021’.
Capability development and upskilling of the workforce remained the topmost focus areas for
which the HR team is proactively taking many initiatives. Training programs on safety, computer
literacy, behavioral skills, technical training on O&M, STS and PSS management, Use of safety
PPEs and best practices are being constantly conducted by both in-house and external faculty
for all regular as well as BA employees. The company has launched Suraksha Prahari App to
capture unsafe conditions by employees, Business Associates and consumers. Public Safety
awareness initiatives were conducted through Suraksha Sachetana Rath, Safety Jingles, Social
media platform, All India Radio, etc.
TPSODL has also adopted a 10P model ‘Paribartana ru Pragati’, which is essentially a Culture
Building & Change Management initiative under which the key priorities are Ethics, Safety,
Positivity, Motivation, Self-Belief, Leadership Visioning & Action Planning, Comprehensive
Induction program, Computer Literacy, Customer Service Excellence.
Practiced Good Corporate Citizenship and supported communities
TPSODL undertook various community-building initiatives during the last year. During the
pandemic, TPSODL distributed PPE kits, N-95 masks to medical staff and 10 oxygen
concentrators to the City Hospital, Brahmapur. It also distributed over 500 filter-based SHG-95
masks, sanitizers and immunity boosters to the urban poor, with the help of District Police and
Medical Authorities. The DISCOM also engaged with Women Self Help Groups for billing and
self-employment activities. The company also organized blood donation camps and a campaign
for a plastic-free zone at Gopalpur Beach during the Tata Volunteering week.
The formation of TPSODL has marked a new milestone for Tata Power in Odisha. The
company’s focus now lies in contributing significantly and creating a robust power distribution
business for the State.