New Delhi: The central government has launched a WhatsApp number for Corona awarness. The official WhatsApp number for Corona is 9013151515.By messaging through whastsapp Anyone can find out more about corona. MyGov Corona Helpdesk is designed. It’s a kind of chat boat.
Prepare and help others to prepare#COVID2019
— NPPA~India🇮🇳 (@nppa_india) March 20, 2020
People across all states of India can use this number to get information about corona.
.The number of corona cases in the country has exceeded 200. Now people are advised of staying home, not going out or in crowded places. Frequent hand washing, mouth or nose contact with the eyes. People sneezing and cold are recommended to stay away from others. Since there is no medicine for corona, it should be strictly adhered to. Corona is now spreading from person to person. So everyone needs to be careful.
The Government has created WhatsApp Chatbot on Corona.
It is called MyGov Corona Helpdesk.
Just save on WhatsApp 9013151515 and you will get automated response on queries related to Corona.
— NPPA~India🇮🇳 (@nppa_india) March 20, 2020
On Sunday, the prime minister appealed for a curfew. It needs to be strictly adhered to.